With the lifting of interstate travel restrictions we therefore move to the endemic stage and #reopeningsafely. Daily reporting of covid-19 cases have also changed with less details given.
As parents who will be sending our kids back to school soon, we must keep on top of things and not allow ourselves to be confused by rumours and unofficial sharing of information.
Here are some important links to help us keep on top of updated information
1. https://www.malaysia.gov.my/portal/content/31194 - Use this link to check the latest phase your state is in
2. https://www.moe.gov.my/en/pemberitahuan/announcement/soalan-lazim-faq-pembukaan-semula-sekolah-3-0 - Use this link to check the FAQ on the reopening of schools
3. https://covidnow.moh.gov.my/school/ - Use this link to check on the vaccination status for your child's school. In case you need some help with this, here's how.
4. https://mumsgather.blogspot.com/2021/09/is-my-child-going-back-to-school-in.html - Use this link to find out when your child will go back to school according to the phases (Use this together with link 1 above to find out the latest phase)
5. https://www.mkn.gov.my/web/ms/sop-perintah-kawalan-pergerakan/ - Use this link to check on the latest detailed SOPs for each phase
6. https://pelanpemulihannegara.gov.my/wp-kualalumpur/index-en.html - Use this link for a quick summary for your state, to know the current phase and simplified version of the SOPs To #reopensafely, it is our own responsibility to find out information that is relevant to us to make better decisions to carry on with our work, our lives and plan for the kids eventual return to school Finally, here are some latest discussion in our group going on right now 1. Std 1 appeal application rejected sharing by parents
4. What parents think of covid-19 vaccination for 5-11 years old This may seem like a lot of information to sieve through but you don't have to do it all at a time. Just bookmark this page and come back to it when you need to check the info. The links are frequently updated with the latest info. Take care, stay safe, let's #reopensafely together! Koay Joo Bee
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