Hello Contributors, Our Test Papers Exchange Password Is Expiring soon On 28 February 2018.
Our test papers exchange and bank of test papers is now one year old! We now have 1252 papers enjoyed by 380 members. In order to keep our test papers bank freshly updated with the latest test papers and make it relevant and useful for everyone using it, we update our password every 6 months.
All contributors are required to share their latest test papers to continue accessing the papers for free. All P1 parents (from last year) who accessed in advanced (because they did not have any papers to share) must share papers (as promised) in order to continue using the test papers bank..
If you have any questions on how to join the test papers exchange, please ask it here: http://www.mumsgatherfinds.com/parents-helping-parents-forum/test-papers-exchange To submit new test papers, please go here: http://www.mumsgatherfinds.com/test-papers-submission Please make sure you read and follow the submission checklist, in particularly item 5. Thank you for sharing!