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Everything You Need For Going Back To School 2023 All On One Page For Your Convenience

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Click here to find out where to buy school uniforms online and here to read more about wrinkle-free school uniforms.


Click here to find out where to buy school textbooks and workbooks online 

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Facebook discussion thread on buying school bags, what to buy, where to buy, what type is better. price of bags etc.


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This FB discussion thread is for starting school  checklist including buying checklist for uniforms, shoes, stationery, etc (except bags) and all the things you need to do to prepare yourself and your child for starting school eg. toilet retraining, food preparation, adjusting sleeping time, getting ready for online learning (just in case) etc 


School Textbooks, Workbooks and Dictionaries



Textbooks are given out on loan by the Ministry of Education Malaysia. However, many parents buy their own set either because the loaned books are in a bad state or to use at home so that children do not have to carry the books to and from school. 


Tip For SJKC Parents



SJKC is well known for extra bag loads due to the usage of many workbooks, reference books and dictionaries in addition to the SJKC textbooks. 

Tip: Some parents buy and split the textbooks, then bind them or file them into chapters reducing the load considerably. You can't deface books on loan so you will need to get your own textbooks to do so. 


School Workbooks and Reference Books


In addition to textbooks, you can shop for workbooks and reference books to help your child revise at home with you.

Read our tips:

Tips for Parents When Buying Workbooks

How To Select Workbooks For Your Child

What is a Good Bahasa Malaysia Reference Books For Malay Grammar Tatabahasa or Pemahaman


Starting School Articles

MILO® UHT Pack In The Energy For Champions

Things You Should Know Before Starting School


Is your child starting school in 2022? There are many things you should know before your child starts school, including the school syllabus, abbreviations like LINUS, DLP, tips for buying school bags, how many pairs of  shoes to buy, tips for easier transition from kindy to primary school, tips for talking to teachers and more. Click on the read more button to find all these tips and more.

In Search of Tutors

Cute Girl's Bows Malaysia

Parents Tutors Forum

Are you searching for tutors? You post on our Parents Tutors Forum for free. Remember to describe the location, level and subjects when posting. You can also browse the forum to see if any tutor near you have posted. We are not tutor agents. We provide this platform for free for parents to network with tutors.

In search of Transporters

Cute Girl's Bows Malaysia

Car Pooling And Transport Forum

Parents who are looking to make transport arrangements for 2022 can post in this forum to car pool with other parents or to find a transporter. The forum is organized according to school. If you can't find your school, please leave a message for admin to start a thread for your school.

In search of Day Care or Child Care

Cute Girl's Bows Malaysia

In Search OF Daycare or Child Care Forum

Looking for after school care or child care? Try browsing or posting on this forum. These public forums are free for parents to use. 

Join Our Testpapers Exchange

Cute Girl's Bows Malaysia

Test Papers Exchange

Currently we have over 300 parents sharing more than 1000 papers for SK, SJKT and SJKT. The test papers exchange is a password protected page for contributors only. The password is changed every 6 months so parents will need to share the latest papers to keep our test papers bank freshly updated all through the year, every year. Click on the button below to go to the forum to find out how to join this test papers exchange.

2023/2024 School Term and Holidays


School Term  Holidays 2023/2024

Every year, parents look out for the school term days, and school holidays in order to plan vacations ahead of time. 
Click on view full calendar to check out the 2023/2024 school holidays  observed by schools throughout Malaysia. 
Check out the festive holidays for 2023 to plan your trips.
Find out how many days you get off for these festive holidays so you can plan your balik kampung trips in 2023. 


Download and print out this free printable back to school shopping list for your own use. Go to our members only Free Printables Page to download.

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