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SJKC P1 Science Unit 5 Bilingual Video on Animals

Mumsgather Finds Team

SJKC P1 Bilingual Science Video Unit 5 Animals

Our new bilingual science video for banana moms is out. The topic is on Animals which is Unit 5 of the P1 textbook. Why Unit 5? We have skipped the other units to come up with Unit 5 first because due to feedback from parents this is the Unit that is currently being taught and will be tested on next. We wanted the videos to be as relevant and useful as possible to parents. That is why we jumped straight to the Unit and will get back to the other Units later on.

Unit 6 of the Science textbook based on the latest KSSR Semakan syllabus covers the topic on Animals. You can actually break the Chapter or Unit 5 down into 3 parts.

  1. Animals

  2. External Features of Animals

  3. Function of Animal Body Parts

We have translated all of the animals mentioned on page 36 and 37 of the textbook together with the names of the body parts of animals. Other animals mentioned in the textbook are also translated.

The external features of animals and the names of the different body parts are included. Finally, the function of the different body parts and the important keywords are mentioned. You can teach your child the important concepts first, then learn the important keywords as shown in Parts 1, 2 and 3 above..

Additional learning tips.

1. - Learn the "insect" or "bug" radical. You will notice that many of the insects include this radical. Have a look at the video and see how the word "Earthworm", "Butterfly", "Housefly", "Snail" and "Snake" all have this radical. Read this interesting link about the insect radical and why "snake" uses this radical as well.

2. - Another radical you may notice is the "feather" radical. Pay attention on how it is used in the word "feather" and "fur". Click on this link here to see how it is written and look for words containing this radical to see other words. Learning radicals is fun. It helps children to recognize the Chinese characters. Some words combine several radicals and together, they make up a story about the word.

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