
New! Free Printable School Calendar 2022 (Kumpulan B Schools)
Added December 2020
For FB Group Members Only
Free Printable 2018 School Time Table (Yellow)
Added January 2018
Print this calendar, get your child to fill in the subjects and time, then laminate it or place a hard-cover board from a recyled old magazine and wrap with transparent book wrapper and you will have a time-table to last for the whole 2018. Make two copies. One for your child to bring to school and one for pasting near his study/homework area at home.

Free Printable Time Tables Award Certificate
Added July 2016
Reward your child for successfully mastering their multiplication tables with this times tables award certificate. It has blank spaces for you to fill in the name of recipient, the number of times tables eg. 1x, 3x, 12x etc, date of issuance and signature of issuer. Great for kids to advance from level to level.

Free Printable Reward Chart For Kids
Added June 2016
Reward charts are a fun way to get kids to do their chores. Here's a free printable weekly reward chart with a totals column. It is blank for you to write-in your own tasks and goals. This file is in Jpeg format. Click on the image to open a pop-up and right click on the pop-up to save the image on your computer for printing.

Science Experiment - Terms You Should Know
Added March 2016
This free printable is especially useful for parents of Upper Primary Kids (Std 4-6) in SJKC to help them understand some useful terms for Science In Chinese.
The terms are in Chinese with pinyin and English explanation.
Do use these terms together with our blog post which has additional information in the form of video and other useful links to help you assist your child in Science homework or revision in Chinese.
Test Taking Tips For Young Kids
Added April 2016
Print out this sweet and cute Test Taking Tips For Young Kids to help your child with some Test Taking Strategies to avoid "careless" mistakes during tests. Kids have to constantly reminded of these tips especially those who are sitting for term tests for the first few times. Use this printable together with our more detailed post for parents on our blog here.

Blank School Timetable For Boys And Girls (Green)
Added January 2018
Here's a brand new design for a blank school timetable for boys and girls for the year 2018. We used a neutral green so that both boys and girls can use it. Love the cute little owls which we found on Microsoft Publisher which we used to create this blank timetable. Anytime your timetable gets lost or misplaced, just come back here to print it again.

30 Commonly Used Math Terms For Kids
Added April 2016
These 30 Common Math Terms covers the most basic terms used and is suitable for kids in Std 1-3. Parents can use this as a quick reference guide or Cheat Sheet when helping kids with homework. These terms are good to learn from young because they will be used for all levels.

Printable Back To School Shoping List
Added 11 Nov 2015
The year-end back to school season will soon be upon us and many retailers will be having sales soon. We created a Back To School Shopping List that you can print out and tick as you go along so you won't forget to buy all the school stuff your kids need for the new year. We left a few blank spaces so you can fill in your own. The rest are basic must haves.

10 Test Taking Tips For Lower Primary School Going Kids
Added 10 Sept 2015
The year-end test is just round the corner in early October. Parents you can download and print this pdf copy of 10 test taking tips for your kids. Though targetted at lower primary kids, older children will benefit from these reminders too. Print it out, talk to your kids about it and paste it near their study area.
Good luck!
Exam Day Tips For UPSR Students
Added Sept 2015
These last minute exam day tips are specifically for students sitting for the 2015 UPSR paper but they are also useful for students who sitting for school term examinations. You can print them out all on one page to easily go through them with your kids.

Blank School Timetable For Boys
Added Sept 2015
This school timetable for boys is in A4 size. You can print out two. One for sticking on the wall at home and one for your child to bring to school.
Just print out, stick it on the back cover or an old book or a hard cardboard paper and wrap it with a plastic school wrapper and you will have a hardy timetable to last you all through the year.

Blank School Timetable For Girls
Added Sept 2015
This is a sweet pink timetable for girls. You can do the same thing as suggested for the boy's timetable above.
Both timetables include spaces to write your child's name, school and class. The timetable is set for Mondays to Saturdays. Sunday is strictly for family fun activities so no scheduling! It is free and easy.